Independence Day Parade 2009, Warm Springs, California
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The Golden Gate Minutemen
participated in the Warm Springs Independence Day Parade, which is a district
of Fremont, California. This
year we created a float and many of our members dressed in period costume. It
was really a BLAST!
We're doing the best we can for our Country since the government
is pandering to the illegal aliens.
Happy Birthday America!
(Photos by Nancy & Steve Kemp)

Sanctuary City & Dream Act Protest, October 13, 2007
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Sponsored by the North Bay Minutemen,
our Bay Area Minuteman Groups marched across the Golden
Gate Bridge and back again, protesting the many Sanctuary
Cities in our area and across the Nation.
The rally was successful, many friendly horns honking, waves and the weather was stunning! Participating in the rally was the North Bay Minutemen, the 'Castro Valley Minutemen', the 'Golden Gate Minutemen', the 'Minuteman Civil Defense Corps' and 'You don't speak for me'.

San Francisco & Pleasanton California Tea Parties, April 15, 2009
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American Citizens have had it! on April 15th, 2009, Conservatives and Liberals alike came together Nation wide to protest our governments gross negligence in handling our hard-earned tax dollars!!
heard one person in the crowd remark "it's not bad
enough that the Government steals our money every day,
but we have absolutely no say in where they spend it and
then they usually just blow it like they're on a Vegas
of the North Bay Minutemen, Golden Gate Minutemen & the Castro
Valley Minutemen were at the events!

Bill Ayers Protest in Moraga , January 28, 2009
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Mary's College in Moraga California, invited home-grown sixties
terrorist Bill Ayers to speak at the Private College to "invoke critical debate" among students. "Move America Forward", a conservative group of Americans, organized a protest directed at the Colleges Administration for making what many believe was a poor decision to invite Ayers in the first place, and a "slap in the face" to
decency in American Society.
Members of the Golden Gate and Castro Valley Minutemen attended
the Protest in support of "American Decency".

Sanctuary City Protest - Sacramento, September 2, 2008
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Several Northern California Minuteman groups rallied at California's state capitol building in Sacramento. We were protesting Sanctuary Cities around our state which is already over-run by illegal aliens. California's state budget is billions of dollars in the red an our government continues to welcome illegal aliens with open arms and a blank checkbook.
Guest speakers at the rally included Senator Tom McClintock, Jamiel Shaw, Sr, father of Jamiel Shaw, a high school student murdered by illegal aliens, Frank Kennedy - brother in law of the Bologna Family who lost 3 members to an illegal alien gang-banger, Bill Cole-Family Member of victimized American citizens, Angie, who lost a 4 year old child to illegals and many others.

Independence Day Parade 2008, Fremont, California
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The San Francisco Bay Area Minuteman Groups participated in the Fremont Independence Day Parade. Out of thousands of people attending the parade, ALL people cheered and applauded us! We saw just one "thumbs down" and a couple of jerks (hecklers) from the commie group 'answer' and a guy in the crowd told him where to go before the police surrounded him.
We're doing what we can for our Country since the government is siding with illegal aliens.
Happy Birthday America!

Independence Day Parade 2007 - Niles, California, July 4, 2007
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Several of our groups participated in a local Independence Day Parade held in Niles, California. The groups included "The East Bay Coalition for Border Security", "The Castro Valley Minutemen", The Redwood City Border Coalition" and the "Minutemen Civil Defense Corp". All our groups came together under the Banner of the "Golden Gate Minutemen".
The City of Fremont was dead-set against us participating because they considered us inappropriate for such an American tradition. Instead, they allowed in every other group from every corner of the Globe, but shunned the "Minutemen". Fearing a discrimination lawsuit, they gave in.
March for America, Sacramento, California - June 16, 2007
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groups from Northern California Marched in Sacramento California
on June 16, 2007. The groups included the Castro Valley Minutemen, the Golden Gate Minutemen, the Minutemen Civil Defense Corp, the Redwood City Coalition for Border Security, Save our State, and a few others.
In total, we were 125 strong and had a Great time working to
raise the Public's awareness, especially in view of the current "ShAmnesty" Immigration
bill currently in proposed by the Congress. If this bill passes,
America as we know it will change forever, and guarantee you,
not for the better.
We must all remain sharply tuned to what is taking place around
us and behind closed doors. Americans must continue to
fight back for what they believe in and let the powers that be
know that we are NOT complacent or "Fat,
Dumb and Happy" as they would like us to be!